El motivo? Mentos y cocacola light. Exacto. Explosion asegurada. Queria grabarlo en video, pero al final se cancelo el evento (por falta de cocacola light), y era demasiado tarde para actualizar. Asi que garlic & water.
A lo que ibamos. No sabeis nada de nuestra nueva vida en Albert Road. Algunos afortunados si, pero no toda la internet. Asi que ahi vamos. Juro decir toda la verdad, nada mas que la verdad, con las modificaciones pertinentes para aumentar el nivel de hilairidad del blog. Me tomo la licencia de ir por meses, haciendo las cosas mas faciles.
Pasamos parte de diciembre en la otra casa, y nos mudamos algo asi como el dia 14, o por ahi. Estuvimos con un par de espanyoles (uno de Barcelona, y una de Bilbao, vitoria {se saben ese de el de bilbao que es de donde quiere?}), que se fueron justo antes de navidad. Genial, porque David y yo nos pasariamos la navidad sin hacer absolutamente nada. Exacto! Dormimos en navidad, y dormimos en nochevieja. Eso si, trabajamos los dos dias, ganando un extra. El plan era bueno, pero al final quedo en nieve (porque nevo en Londres) y agua de borrajas. Y asi llego enero, y el 2007. Bienvenidos al futuro! Rapido, Marty. A la maquina del tiempo!
Realmente no me acuerdo de mucho de lo que hicimos en enero... Bueno, al menos recuerdo que David se fue a Barcelona, trayendo cuantiosos suministros jamoniles, y que tuve un entrenamiento para el trabajo, llevando algo mas de un mes trabajando. Y HOY he cobrado el cheque por el que me pagaron £45, por perder 3 dias de trabajo, y gastarme £15 en transporte bajando a Londres los tres dias. Genial! Ademas de eso, nos dimos cuenta de lo pesados que son los putos franceses (llamadme xenofobo, pero es verdad. Y xenofobos son ellos, que nos marginan en el trabajo, y no nos invitan a las fiestas que hacen, ni nada. Escoria, eso es lo que son). Oh, cosa interesante del curro. Fiesta 2, en Pascua. Bagel Street party, volumen 2. Les mantendremos informados.
Solo hay dos tipos de personas que dicen la verdad: Los ninyos y los borrachos. Pero incluso los franceses mienten cuando estan borrachos. Sobretodo porque pese a que nuestro companyero de habitacion, Adrien (el nombre SI dice algo sobre el estado mental de las personas, Todoli), yendo todo borracho (con otros franceses, que a mi no me invita, y eso que trabajo con el), me juro y juro que era una gran persona, etc, etc, etc, y que hariamos una fiesta antes de que se largara (esta manyana a las 10.45), cosa que al final no. Se ha ido, y porque le he despertado (que trabajo de manyanas esta semana, como David), que sino, ni adios me dice. Eso si, me aprecia muncho como persona, y que haremos una fiesta antes de que me vaya "en France". Pues no. Eh, que no quiero que se note cierto resentimiento, tal vez si, pero quiero que se note que una persona que se dice de ser tu amigo, con la que trabajas 8 horas al dia, y con la que duermes (en distintas camas), y luego pasa de tu puta cara, no es que no sea tu amigo, sino que no es ni persona, joder!. Pero bueno, hablemos de cosas guays. Como de la cantidad de pelis buenas que hemos pillado esta semana, entre las que se incluyen El Padrino, parte I II y III por £15. Jiji. Y LA Confidential. Y algunas mas.
Bueno, me quedan 5 minutos de ciber, y se me acaban las ideas. Tenemos TV, comemos bien, y estamos empezando la Guerra Albertiana 1a. Mas info en nuevas actualizaciones.
Ah, y el amigo KaoD me ve asi:

Sus quiere, un Londoner.
Obviedades? Nos vemos.
Ah, la foto tenia mas detalle en el original. pero KaoD es un negado linuxero y no tiene drivers para su escaner usb. jiji
por fin un post en condiciones....
una question....q conyo (no pongo la ñ por solidarizarme ;) estás haciendo en la segunda foto, Ósk???
Ja era hora malparits. A veure si us passeu pel forum del crupc i deixeu algun missatge d'amor, que ara fins i tot tenim emos a qui agredir verbalment. Com diu SrXavi: "shit evereywhere!"
PD El títol del blog és molt bo, per cert.
A good post deserves a better answer.
Firstly, i would like to thank you for your post which is dealing with me, it's the proof that you didn't forget me.....yet.
Even if the text is in spanish, be sure that i understood everything (next time write it in catalan or in chinese
to ensure that i wouldn't be able to understand everything or to translate it.... Well done Sherlock !!!!!)
Secondly, It is essential to restore the truth in front of your little friends who are reading this blog
and who trust you're still a good guy... A guy who is showing off...
I'd like to say : - I've never told you that i've considered you like a friend for a second, who told you that ?
- I've never PROMISED that i would do a party, i mean WITH YOU for my departure.
Thirdly, i'm not alcoholic because i was drunk two or three times, we are young, we can have some fun.
It's my life, i can manage it as i want, it's not your problem, so stop easy arguments.
Fourthly, Do you think people are pleased to do EXTRA HOURS hanging out with a moody guy arguing with everybody at work, at home...
everywhere, shooting, complaining, changing his mood every ten minutes....
9 hours per day are enough. Furthermore, I proposed you sometimes to go out, and several times
you declined : " Not this night man, it's too late, i'm exhausted na na na......."
Not so exhausted to stay til 4 am in front of XBOX360 like a "no life" boy, so stop kidding people, by claiming
useless things. How did you enjoy your british way of life for a year ? BS and XBOX, that is so sad, you'll probably stay close minded...
At work, You pissed off all polishs people, all frenchs people, all the afternoon staff, and some people of the morning staff too
Naser didn't put you in the morning for your own pleasure, trust me, just because managers asked for it, because everybody in
the afternoon shift was fedup of you.
You should Just Ask yourself sometimes if your relationships problems don't come from you, but i don't think you're able to think
about it, cause your pride is so fucking huge, i've probably waisted my time, meeting you and writing this response too.
In all cases, you disappointed me...
You're gonna delete this message, that's sure, because you won't accept the truth, your truth....
and i'm gonna dirty your reputation, anyway, you're already blocked on msn, that's all what i wanted to say.... last things
Some People won't be as kind as me, so be careful of your words...
Your blog is not a shit Sherlock..... It's a BIG Shit...
Good Luck for your Life...
Hello Adrien. It's nice to know you're alive. Maybe you don't remember me, I'm David, the other spanish guy who slept in the same room as you, worked with you, and of course, you didn't say NOTHING AT ALL when you left, even after. Thank you.
After that, I just want to make you know I'm agree with every single word Oscar wrote in this blog, because I remember perfectly that night when we arrive at home and you were drunk (or suposed to be drunk), and you tell Oscar he was a good guy.
I said all I need to say but not all I wanted to say. This is something I reserve for Oscar.
Hello David, how are u ? yeah fortunatelly I'm alive, even if you'd wish the contrary... Of course, i remember of you (the little dog following oscar everywhere... even in his ideas)I'm fucking happy to feel your rage in your comments, mine has got a reward. Anyway, the day of my departure, when i woke up Oscar was already at work, the night before when you went to bed together earlier than me, you didn't tell me anything as well. Furthermore, this day Jimmy woke up at 7 am especially to tell me Good Bye (he started at 5 pm), IT WASN'T YOUR CASE, If you'd have been really motivated to see me a last time, you'd move your ass up, and would take 5 minutes of your precious night to tell me byebye, your sleep was so soft, i remember all those times you woke up just with a little noise, and this time, you didn't hear my clock ringing OMG !!! Anyway I've well understood your point of view concerning alcohol, beeing drunk is a shame, i got it. But i wasn't enough drunk, i kept in memory all what i said, and of course i told him he was a good guy, have you got any humour ? i was kidding...
""I said all I need to say but not all I wanted to say"" => You don't say all you wanted to say, because you've got a few rationnal things to say. Anyway, I'm wondering what craps messages Oscar is gonna do, Waiting to laugh... :D
A parte de gabacho...tartamudo!!! Es que lo tiene todo para ganar los Special olympics!!!!
I’m going to make a review of the letter you dedicate to me. Enjoy it:
-i remember of you (the little dog following oscar everywhere... even in his ideas) > Maybe because Oscar never lied me, maybe because he’s not a fucking pig, maybe because whatever he have to say, he just tells me and don’t run like a coward because is unable to solve his own problems and wants someone else to solve them. That’s the reason why you told me your opinion about Oscar when you were with Sara and the others frenchis, because you don’t have enough balls to say it alone and because you can’t face alone Oscar. You probably think I’m weaker than him and I go with him to get protection. The same way you use Jimmy. The difference is I don’t need any protection or a third person to get my objectives.
-I'm fucking happy to feel your rage in your comments > And you are making blog attacks??? Who is anger here?
-the night before when you went to bed together earlier than me, you didn't tell me anything as well > Yeah, I expected you wake me up as you promised. Let me guess, another lie?
-your sleep was so soft, i remember all those times you woke up just with a little noise, and this time, you didn't hear my clock ringing OMG !!! > Maybe because I WAS SLEEPING DOWNSTAIRS? Yeah man, I was fucking tired of your night "noises" and I went to sleep to the sofa. Of course, you didn't notice I wasn't in the same room as you.
-Anyway I've well understood your point of view concerning alcohol, beeing drunk is a shame, i got it. But i wasn't enough drunk, i kept in memory all what i said, and of course i told him he was a good guy, have you got any humour ? > Ok, check this:
Oscar: [talking about you] me aprecia muncho como persona, y que haremos una fiesta antes de que me vaya "en France" (he appreciates me as a person [and he said] we will made a party before he go back to France)
Adrien: who trust you're still a good guy?
Adrien: I've never told you that I've considered you like a friend for a second, who told you that?
Adrien: Anyway I've well understood your point of view concerning alcohol, being drunk is a shame, i got it. But i wasn't enough drunk, (that's the reason why I said "supposed drunk" in the previous post) i kept in memory all what i said, and of course i told him he was a good guy, have you got any humour ? i was kidding...
Its good to write in a blog to speak about someone and leave a written prove that you are a liar. All your credibility is six feet underground. If you wanted to convince someone you are the victim of a conspiration… try again, I think my friends are not going to be very convinced about “truth”.
I remember the day you told invite us to go to France a couple of days. Another lie “my friend”?
-You don't say all you wanted to say, because you've got a few rationnal things to say > All the explanations weren’t enough rational?
By the way, Yann has planed to reagroup all the people who lived with him a weekend in France. Didn't tell you anything? Don't worry he will do. I hope to see you there and I expect you tell me front to front all the things you wrote here. Did you expect that? It’s going to be funny. You will see that I don’t need any Oscar behind to face you.
-Anyway, I'm wondering what craps messages Oscar is gonna do, Waiting to laugh... :D >
I hope you laugh as much as I do.
I feel love on this fucking blog.
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