15 September 2007

It's tricky

Hey, britain, your language is easy.

But can be goddamn (I'll have to avoid f. words....) tricky sometimes.


"As you wish" (written). What does it mean? Do what you want. If you want to do it, just do it (ha ha). If you don't want to do it, just don't do it (ha?).

Sorry, but no.

It seams that "as you wish" means, as well, "I don't give a sugar, so stop sodding it, and leave me alone", or something similar.

So yes, your language is tricky. (Another song, by the way).

It came to my knowledge (<- I love that) that someone felt the "as you wish" in the "non british" way. Hey, I'm sorry. My english can be really polite and I can even be able to get the first 2 (even 3 or 4) meanings of a phrase. But not ALL. Anyway, I'm doing it as best (and fast) as possible.

Just wanted to write this little "note" to reassure a good GOOD jodidamente good friend.

Brothers in arms anyone?

So, the same.

Thanks, and sorry for the mistake!
^who can say "whatever" to a nice smile like that?


12 September 2007

United States Of Whatever

Said the song. Quite nice, actually.

So, as it seems that I'm having a crowd of followers (hi victoriano) that is begging me to update the blog, here we are.

Just a couple of recommendations, to make your life easier and happier and your penis will be longer, and your children will grow big, healthy and strong. This, with a couple of books and movies. Isn't that good? Hell yeah!

Okay, off we go.


they may be not really popular (you might even know the tv series made in... 1992? or so, running for quite a long time)
Yes, A Touch Of Frost. 5 (soon is coming the 6th and last, since the author (R.D. Wingfield) died on June 07') of nasty jokes, crime, prostitutes dead on the street, missing children, and so.
It can be (it is sometimes) confusing, since Frost is managing around 4-5 cases at the same time, and switches from one to another before you could say "pick the cheese!". In the end they can seem a bit "forced", but appart from that, they will make you enjoy.
If you like the crime novel, that's it. If you don't.., read Harry Potter, or something else.

More books... Le Carré.
It's hell on earth. I like it. I love it. The stories are absorbing (absorving?) but intrincated as something really intrincated. I've read... well, I forgot what I've read from LeCarré. Just a couple of smiley's and one called "The traitor of the century", or "random translation from a title in english translated into spanish". Choose the one you like more.

Anyway, I'm not the spanish inquisition (insert jokes here), so do what you want.

Another day, more books/movies.

Meanwhile, let's talk about politics! Actually, another two topics that are hot!

11/9, or 9/11, or WWcrash, or, any name you want to put it.
It has been almost... 5 years? I can't remember. Who cares? The original mission of the troops in iraq have expired ages ago, and everyone (that has power) has forgotten about it. I remember when I was young, drawing in the rubbers things like "bum bum k-bum", and doing wars with them. The same thing now. But they're not children lol.

Whatever. Who cares about that? Well, you'll only care if:
1: you're brasilian and some PC's marksmen shoot you in the tube.
2: you're muslim, and well, you're muslim.
3: you're a mother/father of someone killed in iraq/war agains ossama/dead on the 11/9.
4: you're trying to be "sensible" to this sort of things.

Really, it makes my blood boil.

Second topic, and last for tonight.
McCanns, Madeleine, and the Pope.
Remember that even the Pope blessed the McCanns? The little girl is missing (probably will be dead after being raped, otherwise they would have been contacted in case of simple abduction. hey, call me nasty person, but at least I'm realistic) for more than 150? days (unable to survive on her own. He's dead). They still hope to see her alive. They go to see the pope to recive the blessings (lol, isn't the pope catholic? what about the queen? poor anglicans! :( ) and they recover a million pounds for a "let's move every single rock in the bloody planet to find her" fund.Fund that is going to be "let's pay the lawyer of pinochet (!), the one of the children molester who downloaded porn to do a research (!) and some other scum".
Have you read it? Pinochet's lawyer! A children molester lawyer! HELL YEAH.
Are they guilty? Have they murdered their daughter? I could care less (just for the typical developing of the inquiries, and so). They want fame, and they have it.

I disagree with the portuguese police. The way they're carrying the investigation is quite "strange". Now they want the mother's diary. It's sort of "Dear diary: Today I've killed maddy lol". Next day: "Dear Diary: today we've buried maddy in the map shown below" "dear diary, I WILL WRITE THIS IN YOU BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT TO BE DISCOVERED LOL". The portuguese police wants to know the performance of mr. mccann in sexual maters. haha

bah. whatever.

just as a note, things to comment on the next post. you can add something, if you want. just comment!

-black people reading the sun (now only 20p!)
-people stealing my tomato sauce (i take other things in exchage haw haw)

11 September 2007

Mira en el retrete, Watson!

Bien, las obviedades bastan.

El update.


Me moví de Hounslow a Elephant And Castle (en el sur de londres), mientras que David se quedó en Hounslow por un tiempo más. Luego, se mudó a Acton Town e hizo su sueño realidad: futbolín en casa, concursos de birras, y demás. Si quiere, ya os lo contará.

Ese fue su paso previo a volverse a Barcelona. Mi primera intención era la de volverme también, para estudiar psicología en la UB. Tenía plaza, pero no hice la matrícula (básicamente, se me pasó). Así que me dediqué a buscarme las garrofes, y encontré buena materia para estudiar aqui. Porqué no?

Entonces vino el hecho de que encontré plaza, sitio, financiación y estudios. Criminología con psicología en la London metropolitan University. Es una universidad al este de londres (en la city, vamos), zona de judíos e inmigrantes, pero con ambiente guay. Ya contaré qué tal va.

Cambio al trabajo. Después de abandonar bagel street (david se quedó ahí trabajando hasta el final de sus días (en londres :) )) a marchas semi-forzadas, busqué trabajo. Oh, si. Encontré en Swatch (los relojes suizos) gracias a un semi-contacto (hola judith/ato, por si lo leeis). Así que empecé a trabajar después de mi viaje cortito a españa (del 8 a 12 de... junio?), para la boda de Alexis y Marta. Por aquel entonces, aún vivía en Albert Road.

Por cierto, la tienda está en Oxford Street, delante del John Lewis. Por si os queréis pasar.

Un verano de trabajo duro (lol), currando horas extras, aprendiendo un montón, hartándome de los clientes, odiando a los judíos (no es nada en contra de ellos, pero el domingo parece ser su día de "hey, vamos a quejarnos y a devolver cosas adquiridas previamente"), y demás. Ah, y horas extras. Munchas.

Pero vamos, que aquí estamos. A punto de empezar la uni (en 2 semanas). Corto viaje a barcelona a recoger papeles (y celebrar un cumpleaños de mi hermana (hola clara!)), y de vuelta para casita. A trabajar más aún!

Sé que me queda algo que contar..., pero qué coño, os jodéis.

Por lo que sé de David:
Siguió trabajando en Bagel Street hasta que se largó a Barcelona, después de un breve tour por Irlanda con su hermana (hola marina), y empezará la carrera en breve.

Si quiere contar algo más, que lo diga.

Ahora este blog va de las aventuras de Halfang (oscar) en Londres.

Por cierto, experiencia demostrable: mi límite de bebida está en 10 pintas de cerveza. Al día siguiente me levanté borracho, y fui a trabajar a las 10 de la mañana.

05 September 2007


So, welcome to the "Look in the toilet, Watson" Blog.

My third blog. Whoa. Let's hope that it will last longer than the previous ones.

Why the name? Well, the second blog is called "No shit, Sherlock!". So, this one had to have some sort of link. It could have been "QUICK BATMAN, TO THE BATCAVE", or something similar, but then it wouldn't have the link.

What the hell, I've noticed that "noshitsherlock.blogspot.com" is a blank page! >:( What a waste for a name.

Finally, a list of do's and don'ts:
1: do not expect regular updates.
2: do not expect regular updates.
3: do not expect to agree on my opinions.
4: there's no spoon.
5: do not expect to get all the jokes (see n.4)

And that's it. Ah, the list can be modified at any time, withouth saying anything, etc.
